Rotating ribs


Tom M.

New member
I own a WSM 18. Currently have ribs in a rib rack on the top grate and two laying flat on the bottom grate.

Any recommendations regarding rotation?

I've never used the lower grate before.
Tom only use racks when I'm making more than 6 slabs and usually roll and skewer them if only doing 3-4 slabs. Otherwise I lay them flat if space is not an issue. I will use the lower rack for ones I had to cut to get make them fit which in some cases is just a 3-4 bone pieces. Either way get them all in there and figure out what temp you are going to cook them at. Depending on how thick they are and also the temp will determine how long you cook them. You can also if time is an issue wrap them in foil to help speed thinds up for the last hour or so. 3-2-1 ribs is a method that some will use however you will learn with thickness and temps these numbers changes as well. The tooth pick test works good for knowing when they are done. I will rotate may ribs after about 3-4 hours if I'm not foiling just so I know they are cooked evenly. Also if they look like they are a little dry I spray them with some beer to keep them moist the last couple of hours. I will also use beer in foil if I use this method. HTH Vince

