Rookie Red Head restore.



New member

I am going to restore a new to me Genesis 2000 Red Head. Background info on how I came about this beauty can be found on my Introduction thread.

I decided to restore this grill the moment I saw it and I don't even use gas. It appealed to me instantly. I run a hardware store that sells only Weber grills and we sell about 80 grills a summer. I've used charcoal my whole life and don't plan to use the grill.
Since I have no plans to use this grill or sell it. I have been kicking around the idea of having this grill on display in my hardware store.

The wood slats are in good enough shape that I could sand and restain them. Spend $50 on new Cedar wood or spend the time with a sander. hmmm:confused:

I'll post many pictures. I know how ya'll love pictures.

Picture captions will be below the picture.

Can some one decipher this? I registered this grill on Webers site but it does not tell me model or year. Just "propane grill".

Exactly how I received her. And for free!

Not too bad. Everything will be replaced. I am going for "Show Room New".

The frame is in excellent shape. This is the only "problem spot". I will take my Milwaukee drill with a wire brush and clean then repaint.
Looks just like mine. Except mine is a II but I added casters on the left. I measured the legs cut off an appropriate amount and installed the Weber casters. Voila! I now have a 2000 but than I added a side burner and Voila! a 3000 LOL
Those grills (IMO) are the best grills Weber ever made. Truly built in the USA they had deep fire boxes, the heat source was further inside the box than the newer ones so you have far better cooking control. IMO the product really cheapened up over the years.
restoring this grill to use as a display of how Webers last would be a great idea and most likely get you to the 100 grills a summer level.
Good luck and keep those photos coming.
I couldn't have said it better than Kevin L did. That old woodie redhead restored would certainly not hurt sales of the new Webers.

