TVWBB Wizard
A few months ago I got rid of most of our carpet and put a new floor in our house.
Now that Amazon Black Friday sales are about here we are thinking about a robo vac/mop.
Do any of you have one or maybe have any input on one?
We kinda like the nicer Dreame models that heat their water to 136f and have techy functions.
Our budget is $1,000 +/- and before I drop that much I’d like to hear more real life experiences on them.
Our friends are very happy with theirs but I wonder about them sometimes.
I’d hate to drop this money and have something that my blue healer just attacks.
He has this crazy thing for biting tractor, lawnmowers and car tires.
I think a squirt gun will correct that issue well enough but I dunno
I want a nicer model because I have doubts that a cheap robot can do a job up to my standards.
Now that Amazon Black Friday sales are about here we are thinking about a robo vac/mop.
Do any of you have one or maybe have any input on one?
We kinda like the nicer Dreame models that heat their water to 136f and have techy functions.
Our budget is $1,000 +/- and before I drop that much I’d like to hear more real life experiences on them.
Our friends are very happy with theirs but I wonder about them sometimes.
I’d hate to drop this money and have something that my blue healer just attacks.
He has this crazy thing for biting tractor, lawnmowers and car tires.
I think a squirt gun will correct that issue well enough but I dunno

I want a nicer model because I have doubts that a cheap robot can do a job up to my standards.