Roadside find


Peter Condit

TVWBB Member
My second weber roadside score. Not as good a score as my Genesis Gold, but I will take it.

It is black, I measure 24 inches across, but when I look on line, it looks to be identical to one that Ace Hardware marked as 22.5.

I'll add pics in a few minutes. The kettle is perfect. The bottom air control is rusted. Is this worth fixing?
How rusted are the sweeps? They’re $20 for a replacement set, if any of them have already rusted through (or nearly so). I’d say it’s absolutely worth saving, either way.
Can’t believe this didn’t occur to me earlier - the first thing to do is register it on You’ll likely end up getting any replacement parts it might need for free.
Peter, when you measured the thing did you measure just the bowl or did you go from the (what looks like the single handle?
I ask because the single handle is more commonly found on an 18.5” grill. In any event register it, I have claimed them as a gift where they ask about where it was purchased. A little underhanded but, I also don’t claim much
My 2006 Q was on the side of the road waiting for the trash collector when I rescued it last summer. It needed a new regulator, control knob, and bracket when I found it. I registered it, and I was completely honest with the claims rep about how I came to have the grill. They still sent me a new bracket free of charge. I had to pay for the knob and regulator, but it beat having to pay for everything.

