Sameer Wahid
TVWBB Member
So I got a WSM off Kijiji a few days ago, and tried one rack of spares (KC cut) and the breastbone. The grate was rusted, so I used a rib rack and cooked the ribs as halves. Used BRITU rub and more or less followed the BRITU method.
I was really amazed at how easy it was to keep the WSM at 235F at the grate for 3 hours! Set it and forget it! A huge upgrade from the futzing of the smokenator.
While the ribs were the most amazing mahogany colour, they were also a bit dry. Not in the meat, which was tender, but in this mahogany "bark". I've read a considerable number of comments on here suggesting that mopping/spraying is not necessary for ribs; is there a difference when using a rib rack? I can envisage surface moisture "rolling" off the ribs into the water pan.
I was really amazed at how easy it was to keep the WSM at 235F at the grate for 3 hours! Set it and forget it! A huge upgrade from the futzing of the smokenator.
While the ribs were the most amazing mahogany colour, they were also a bit dry. Not in the meat, which was tender, but in this mahogany "bark". I've read a considerable number of comments on here suggesting that mopping/spraying is not necessary for ribs; is there a difference when using a rib rack? I can envisage surface moisture "rolling" off the ribs into the water pan.