


TVWBB Super Fan
Winn Dixie has ribeyes on sale for 3.99 a lb.

They come in a 16 -18 lb package and they will slice them for you.

They are uncut and untrimmed.

The cleaned up ones are like 5.99 a lb. they look better I guess because they are cleaned up.

What is a beterr deal.

Kinda like getting chicken breast are you better off getting boneless or split I always get the split because I like the bone in.
You might check to make sure they rib-eyes are choice rather than select grade. I've gotten a little burned on some deals that sounded great but when I looked closely, the meat wasn't as good in quality as I had expected. Although historically, W-D seems to have good meat.

I like to buy the whole loins and slice and trim them myself, but that's mainly because I like to leave the "tail" on the steak that most butchers take off. It's mostly fat but usually has one or two good bites of meat on it. You know what that means - those little "bites" never make it back in from the grill and I get a little "grilling snack!"

I saw the same ad, and despite having a freezer completely full of meat, I will buy one of these. at $3.99/lb, i don't think you can beat it for Choice ribeye, bone in.
I always go for uncut and untrimmed. I personally think it's a better deal plus I can cut them to the exact specifications I want.
Either way your not going to go wrong with rib eye though!

Like Pat said, if you can verify they are choice and not select, I'd jump on it. I just got back from the local grocery store and they had the same sale going, there is no indication on the cryo of them being choice though.
Local store here has Whole Boneless Ribeye, Select, for $4.98/lb. Good deal for around here.

Trying to experiment with different cuts, I know about sliceing them to steaks, but could you smoke them whole?
The ones that the local grocery gets are select and I tried to do a roast out of half a loin, it wasnt worth the effort. IMO anyway, to me tri-tip trumps rib roasts anyway. The select steaks I have in the freezer from the last sale are ok, but I wouldent try to do a roast from them again.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Clark Deutscher:
I always go for uncut and untrimmed. I personally think it's a better deal plus I can cut them to the exact specifications I want.
Either way your not going to go wrong with rib eye though!

Clark </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Same here. Also as Pat mentioned, the tails are the best part. Now only if the butchers would leave the tails on the Porterhouse steaks.
Thanks I will try them got a food saver for xmas so I can save some any tip on trimming should i make them look like you buy in the store or is xtra fat ok for flavor
Since I am a lousy trimmer and am never sure of exactly how thick the fat is, I cut the steaks first, 1.5-2" thick, then trim each steak as necessary. The eye will be easier to cut if you firm it up a bit in the freezer for 15 minutes or so. Since rib eyes are well marbled, I don't leave too much fat around the outer edge, but I do leave a thin strip. I like 2" thick. I think they grill up better that way. If too thin, the outside gets burned before the inside is done. JMO
I went to winn dixie today, picked out a 17 lb ribeye loin and the asst meat mgr walked by. I asked him about the meat, which was stamped IBP Choice, and he said it was excellent. He then offered to trim and pkg the steaks for me, which was very surprising. It was early and they were slow, but he said, would you like me to trim and cut the meat into steaks? I couldn't believe it, but said, sure, 1.5 inch steaks. He asked if i wanted them wrapped individually or in bulk. I had them wrapped individually. Grilled one this evening and it was absolutely perfect. Very nice steak. Still can't believe they cut, trimmed and wrapped for that price, but I think i got lucky.

