Ribeye w/ Oven Roasted Morels


Chad M.

TVWBB Super Fan
Found another one. Did this back in the spring when the mushrooms were popping. Roasted the gray morels with just a little oil, salt and pepper and onto the ribeye. That and some grilled veggies made the meal.


Oh, and some ice cream with fresh peaches for dessert.

Did you pick the morels?! If so I can not say how jealous I am of you. If they grew around my parts, I would literally be in the woods every day harvesting. And not to sell..... To eat fresh and dry all for myself! LOL.
Yeah, these were actually picked from my brother's yard outside of town. A pic of the whole haul is below. The grays I used for the steak are the bottom ones.


And here's a bunch me and my buddy found down in the woods in Ozark, MO a couple of years ago.


