rib rub and how long?


Troy B

New member

I am going to try a higher heat smoke for a slab of st louis style spare ribs tomorrow night after work.

I can barely get enough time to get the mini smoker going and get the ribs cooked before dinner time. However, timing with work will not permit me to put the rub on 2 hours before hitting the smoker like I usually do.

Is there any advice regarding putting a rub on ribs the night before (18 hour sit time) or early tomorrow morning?

Thanks for the help,
There is no need - and little benefit - from applying the rub early on ribs. I sprinkle salt on the ribs (both sides) when I go out to set up the cooker and light the coals for a Minion start. During that time the salt draws moisture to the surface. When I go back in I apply whatever saltless rub I've made. The moisture causes the rub to stick well. I return to the cooker with the ribs, pour on the lit, assemble, load the meat in; done.

If you are using a salted rub you can simply apply 5 or 10 minutes ahead of cook time.

