Rib capacity

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I've been asked to smoke enough BB ribs for a footbal party next month where there will be 35 meat eating adults. I've read through the WSM modifications to increase the capcity of the smoker, but I was wondering the following. If I add the middle grate and use rib racks, what is the maximum number of BB ribs I could smoke at once? I'm working under the assumption that each adult would eat close to 1/2 rack so I would need to smoke 16-18 rib racks.

Has anyone smoke BB ribs for this many people in one WSM? And are there any issues with putting this many BB ribs in the smoker at once?

Hi Ray,

Thanks for the link to Steve's "Night of one hundred and nine slabs...". That was a great story and filled with some good info.


Steve has some good advice as to rolling, a lot of that will depend on the size and type of the slabs you are cooking.

The most I have ever done is 10 racks of bronto spares. I will not do it again. I used rib racks and had to stuff and bend them(they were too big to roll...could only fit 3 per grill level). In the racks, they were touching the sides of the cooker and these outer parts were essentially burnt and worthless. Steve mentions this in his write-up.

I also had problems keeping the temps up due to the restricted airflow.....which in turn meant my fire was hotter......which in turn burnt the outer ends even more than usual.

Just another idea...do what the caterers do....cook them 80% fininshed. Wrap in plastic wrap(you can use foil if you have no sauce on them) overnight and simply reheat the next day.

You can re-heat a bunch at one time as they can be laid flat and stacked atop each other. OR you can use the oven for any overflow.
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the good advice. One of my concerns was that even if I were able to get 14-15 slabs of BB ribs in the WSM, how would this effect the performance of the unit. You've answered my question. I think I will look at purchasing another WSM.

Thanks again!

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