retrofitting an infrared side burner on a Genesis II LX similar to the Broiler king



New member
Greetings all. I got a Genesis II LX jin 22019 to replace a 2010 Spirit 310. I like this grill a lot but now that I know a lot more about cooking and grilling than I did, I now realize that I did not know what I did not know. I have integrated sous vide into my repretoire and see how a really hot sear station would come in handy for finishing touches after a sous vide steak or calamari steaks. Broil King has a replacement sear station for its side burner and I am wondering if anybody has done any kind of similar retrofit on a Weber Genesis II with a side burner. I have found my side burner to as useless as a poopy flavored lollipop. It’s idea of low is +9 on my ceramic top electric stove. I would love to be able to upgrade/replace my side burner to an infrared ceramic side burner like the broil king but an exhaustive search of the internets using the google machine has not turned up any satisfactory hits. Does anyone know if something like the following is possible for the Genesis II LX?
Never tried anything like that, but if you are up to the metal fabrication likely to be required to get a different brand side-burner such as Broil King (look at Broilmaster and even Holland Grills, too) to fit on the Weber chassis, I don't see why it couldn't be done.
I have retrofitted my Broil King Regal Pro 490S with the Sideburner Kit. It’s awesome. I would think that it could be done with a little ingenuity.
We!come to the forum Jerry, glad you joined us.
I know what you mean about the side burner being worthless, at least for cooking. With the slightest breeze it takes forever to heat a CI skillet and forget about boiling water. That being said, I do use it for lighting a chimney of charcoal.
I don't recall anyone doing the retro fit you are speaking of but, where there is a will, there is a way. I know this is not very helpful but it's all I got.
Anyway, again welcome.

