Results Over night Lump Cook (Pictures)


Rick Soliman

Well the cook with lump was a success as you can see from the pictures.

I did notice the waterpan needing to be refiled more often and I did add fuel at 10hrs and a few more handfulls around 16hrs. I personally found the lump to react quicker to the change in vent settings and shift in wind directions. I recieved great reviews from my guests and I thought the taste was much better than when I use all Kingsford. I got a great smoke ring on both butts great bark, and the moisture content was excellent. Also I used to take a peek at the meat evey few hours this time I didnt open the lid until 195 about 21 hours. I let the meat sit for 45 mins before shreading. Thanks for everyones input on this one.

The Smoke Hunters BBQ

Looks great Rick!!!

Good looking dog you've got guarding the chimney too!

Whew, 21 hours...quite a cook.

