Restoring my first Weber

That's a label that would be cool to reproduce and put back in the grill when it's restored.
Looking at all these restorations I have lined up makes me wish I was retired so I could finish all of them. Been sucked in to my flips lately and that's not bad generating cash for my restorations but I miss working on classic Genesis grills. There's parts on all these projects that's exciting when I go through and look at them. Like the condition of the wood on this 1989 Genesis 3. This might be the nicest original wood and Z-metal I've come across. Or at least tied with my Genesis 2000 and Genesis Jr original wood and Z-metal. Also the control panel and side burner are perfect. I have lots to look forward to in these upcoming projects.
Looking at all these restorations I have lined up makes me wish I was retired so I could finish all of them. Been sucked in to my flips lately and that's not bad generating cash for my restorations but I miss working on classic Genesis grills. There's parts on all these projects that's exciting when I go through and look at them. Like the condition of the wood on this 1989 Genesis 3. This might be the nicest original wood and Z-metal I've come across. Or at least tied with my Genesis 2000 and Genesis Jr original wood and Z-metal. Also the control panel and side burner are perfect. I have lots to look forward to in these upcoming projects.
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I like that sideburner :love:

The wood looks nice too!
I think you are correct about the warning stickers on the early grills. The serial number badge was apparently meant to cover that at the time. Probably changed due to litigation and attorney advice!
I think you are correct about the warning stickers on the early grills. The serial number badge was apparently meant to cover that at the time. Probably changed due to litigation and attorney advice!
That makes a lot of sense Jon. Then they could tuck those serial number badges up underneath the control panel where they will be protected for a long time and they can put the warning sticker on the tank scale where it's actually going to be visible for safety.

