Replacement water bowls for 18.5" WSM



New member
Some backstory, I made the fatal mistake of leaving water in the bowl after smoking a nice 8 pound pork shoulder and after three weeks or so, my smokey mountain is was full of mold growing on the interior walls, but worse, the bowl was filled with mold and millions of mosquito larvae!!! So, I disassembled the smoker to dry out but decided that the bowl was not worth the time it would take to clean so I chunked it in the trash. Now I am having an issue finding a replacement bowl for the smoker. Is there a quick, easy, and affordable way to get a replacement? Should I just go the terra cotta route and use a disposable water pan on certain smokes?

In regards to the mold, I plan on hosting a bonfire in the WSM and burning it all out :)
Go to Academy Sports and get a Brinkman charcoal pan for $4.99. IMHO, it's better than the WSM pan and a LOT cheaper. Take a measurement to be sure - it may be the Brinkman water pan, but I am pretty sure it's the charcoal pan that works. They have both at $4.99. I switched from the WSM water pan to the Brinkman to get more clearance and less volume. I also put a terra cotta base in the pan and cover with foil.
I've been kind of surprised at all the controversy over water pans. I have an older WSM but recently I got a look at a new style water pan and now I think I know why a lot of people are not happy with them.
I would just clean the pan myself, but like jfortson said you can get a brinkman charcoal pan. The problem with the Weber pan for the 18.5 WSM is that it is too deep and doesn't leave much clearance for the coals. The 22.5 WSM water pan is perfect.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I always hated how the giant bowl always touched the coals so I am eager to get something with more clearance. That thing is/was a monster.

