Replace Push Mower Crankshaft?

Yep, that's what I was talking about on the Honda motor as far as being a pain to remove and replace the carburetor, other than that I think they are nice motors but probably wouldn't pay a premium to have one. Briggs has had a lot of different engine designs over the years, some better than others to be sure. The one I have on my old Toro was an overhead valve model that Briggs designed for Toro and was cutting edge for the time. It was expensive to make and it was only around for about 5 years or so. You can't even find a replacement carburetor for it from Briggs or aftermarket so I have removed it, given it a good cleaning and replaced the gaskets once in its lifetime. I dread ever having to replace that mower because a top of the line Toro 21" mower is $900 now( yikes!)

