Repairing a rusty gas grill


Karen Jones

New member
Hello all,

I recently bought a tabletop gas grill (Sunbeam, actually) from a thrift store. When I opened it up, I found that the bottom was very rusty on the inside. I'm sure it's safe to use as-is, but can anyone suggest something I can use to coat the bottom to extend the grills life?

All you can "safely" do is wire brush it out and then coat it with cooking oil/fat of some kind and basically "season" it. But with quality products like Weber Q products out there all over Craigslist for VERY cheap frankly don't waste your time. You'll be far ahead than wasting time and burning food (basically wasting it) with a rusty old Sunbeam.
To back up what LMichaels said, I bought a nice Weber Q100 in very nice shape (even had the original box) from a guy on Craigslist for $10. Also, Target puts them on clearance every year (should be coming up soon). The Weber stuff is quality, not disposable like the Sunbeam.
Karen, long story short, coating any part of the inside of a grill is problematic as there's a chance that the heat will cause the coating to give off vapors that can be dangerous. As LM said, you could clean off all the rust, coat with a thin film of oil then fire up the grill to bake it in/season it.

