Removing frozen lid hinge pins


John G (Boston)

TVWBB Super Fan
Pretty sure this was covered at some point but I took a few pictures of the process since I just had to do one. The pin was stuck in the lid side of the hinge. First I sprayed with PB Blaster. Then pressed the pin all the way to one side. Then more PB Blaster on the newly exposed part of the pin. Then press the other way. I repeated pressing back and forth making sure the pin was wet with PB Blaster each time I reversed the clamp.

The first couple presses were pretty hard but after a couple times back and forth it got easier and I was able to turn it with pliers. Once it turned a few revolutions it came right out.

The C clamp is an old Wilton I bought new when I was a kid. I bought a pair of them from an industrial supply house after bending several "hardware store" C clamps. I went in and told the guy I wanted the best C clamp made. They weren't cheap (can't remember now how much) but they were WELL worth the price. They've done a lot of work for me over the last like 40 years.

In the last photo ("Out") it looks like there's a chip in the porcelain. I actually just had to run out back to double check - I don't remember any chip (!) Nope, no chip. I didn't think so - I was very careful. That was something either reflecting or sitting on the lid. There *are* a couple of little scratches right there that someone made, sadly, trying to get the pin out (head had plier marks on it).

If both pins are frozen (haven't seen that yet) I think I would loosen the speed nuts inside to allow for some motion side to side. You need to be able to pull the lid all the way to the side you are pressing (close the gap in the hinge so it's solid). If both pins are frozen and the lid can't move to the side a little it will stress the porcelain part - no good.


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Although on that Genesis I had just brought home to do a quick refurb on for daughter's partner of course those pins were a teeny bit frozen. They could almost wiggle. But would not budge by finger pressure even after a PBlaster hit. I gave both a very tiny "tap" with a plier and they were free. So "frozen"? Nah. They were just a tiny bit "stubborn". But definitely last thing I would have done would have been to take a hammer to them. I actually have a little teeny C clamp I use just for things like that
I have shattered a couple. But never one that presented me with a dilemma. I always have a spare. If I didn't, I probably would be a bit less impatient. But really, I have used a 2.5 lb hammer on them before and not cracked them. Of the 75 or so frozen cook box bolts that I have removed with a hammer, I think maybe two wound up cracking the cook box. I haven't dealt with too many end caps though. I have a ton of spares, so, I just toss them these days.

