Reliability of Weber Performer's built in thermometer?

I recently purchased a Performer and when firing up the grill for preheating and direct searing, i.e. top and bottom vents completely open, so far the best I've been able to achieve according to the built in thermometer is 450. Wondering if I might be doing something wrong or if the thermometer is off. I'm using a Rapidfire chimney starter filled to the max. Waiting until I get a nice even gray ash cover before pouring into the fire box. But I can't get close to 500-600 like I do on my Summit. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

I never trust any weather thermometer. They are normally very off. You can remove the thermometer and do the boiling water/ice water test to check for accuracy or upgrade to a better thermometer. I have a maverick 733 for the WSM but the probes are not able to withstand that high of heat to sear.
For high heat cooks/searing I just go by feel rather then actual temp.
When I want truly high heat for searing, etc., I just put a couple of firebricks on the charcoal grate and dump a full chimney of lit behind it. It'll get as hot as you need. By putting a full load of coals in half or 1/3 the area, the coals pile up on each other and the distance from the coals to the food grate is diminished. It gets MUCH hotter. In fact, in my Performers (which I LOVE) when I spread a full chimney over the entire charcoal grate I "call" that MEDIUM. When it is behind the bricks, I call it "HIGH HEAT"...

Keep on smokin',,
Welcome to the forum. What Robert said works great. When I use my wok on my Weber Gourmet system, I pile up the coals directly underneath the wok and the heat is VERY high, exactly what a wok needs. I have never had a heat issue with my Performer. It is a great grill. Good luck.
I don't pay any attention to the thermometer in my Performer. Two baskets full of charcoal gets it as hot as you could ever possibly want.

