Reheating Pulled Pork


RJ Lasek

New member

I'd appreciate some suggestions on the best way to reheat pulled pork, to keep the moisture content high. I was thinking of around 275 in the oven, in a covered dish with some liquid.
I just put leftover pulled pork, in a nonstick frying pan and gently reheat, sometimes I spray a little apple juice on it, tastes just like the day you made it. John
What John said will work fine.
Ideally, the pork should be sealed in some manner, either in zip locks or vac sealed, then gently reheated either in simmering water (not recommended for zip lock bags) or under low power in the microwave. Often, people will add a little apple juice to keep it moist.

Myself, I usually cook enough to last quite a while. I'll rest the butts for 3 or 4 hours and then pull, put in half pans to cool and promptly vac seal in 1 and 2 lb. packages. Most of these then get layed out in the freezers for a quick freeze .. The other few get layed out in the fridge for a quick cool for the next 4 or 5 days.


I wrap it up in HD foil and place in the oven. Depending on how much I have, 20-30 minutes at 300 degrees. Lately I have been placing on the gas grill at about the same temp and it steams itself perfectly.
I agree with Bill and can vouge for the vac seal reheat that Larry W. layed out for me. Worked like a charm.

Fill a big pot with cold water, put the cold meat in (from fridge or freezer), and bring to a light simmer. Shut your burners off and cover the pot. Just let it sit in there for 20 - 30 minutes.

Mine came out exactly the same as when I sealed the bags. I spritzed it down with apple juice before cooling / sealing and I didn't need to add any more moisture on the reheat.


