Reheating Brisket Point



So I tossed a brisket point on the Summit Kamado yesterday (I make corned beef/pastrami from the flat) and looks like it came out great. While the brisket was smoking, I had also tossed on the expansion full of chicken wings part way during the cook and smoked them for about 2 hours. After eating wings and things, no one was hungry any more, so the brisket didn't get cut.

So, as I look at the brisket this morning, I am thinking we already have dinner done and waiting (bonus), but wondering the best way to reheat? What do you do?
I’d make a steamer tray to use moisture to reheat the point and then remove the foil from the steamer tray when it’s warmed and just reset the bark. I’d also reheat it at 275° which might run 2 hours to reheat, steamed. Place a wire rack in a pan, add a little water below the meat, seal with foil, tightly and warm through. Then set the bark again, exposed. That’s how I’d do it if it were mine.

Key is not too much water. The sealing it with foil and some water should be enough to do a gentle heat through. Too much water and the meat will break down as you’ll be steaming the beef, not warming it through.
I vacuum seal it when I have brisket leftovers, freeze, and when needed, put the vacuum sealed bag in boiling, simmering water. In my experience, if the brisket is done at 205 degrees and water boils at 212 degrees, the brisket stays moist and dry inside the vacuum seal and comes out the same way.

