Red, White, & BBQ - Westmont, IL


Don Gross

TVWBB Member
I will be with my BBQ team Memphis in Mundelein at the Red, White & BBQ competition in Westmont, IL Saturday and Sunday.

In addition to the standard KCBS meats, there are sauce and sausage categories and people's choice chili on Sat. plus Ranchers Reserve brand sirloin steak and dessert on Sun.

The steak category is underwritten by the manufacturer. So there's extra $$ for that. They also emphasized creativity in this category. You prepare the meat any way you want. (including sandwiches, stroganoff, whatever)

As junior member of the team, I've taken ownership of all the extra categories (except for sauce, the chief cook has his own recipe bottled). We're allowed to make the chili ahead. I'm going to get my fresh sausage from a Polish deli. And I'm going to attempt to prepare tira misu on site for dessert. Call me crazy. Probably going to smoke a couple fatties for breakfast, too.

Really looking forward to the weekend. It's been over a year since we competed. If you're in the Chicago area stop on by for a nosh and a beverage.

Good luck at this fellas! I live two towns away from this but can't make it..I am so bummed. I will be in my backyard smoking on Saturday with you on smoke day though...Will most likely see you there next year!

Hey Don I've got a couple questions about how the Ranchers Reserve sirloin comp went down. If you're willing to let me pick your brain about it I'd really appreciate it, my email is in my public profile.


