Red Bell Peppers - Can they be smoked?


Tom K.

TVWBB Member
I'm interested in identifying vegetables (and relevant recipes) which lend themselves to smoking. While I'm aware that jalapeno and other hot peppers are frequently smoked, I'm currently curious about red bell peppers. I'd appreciate any insights and leads to smoked veggie recipes which may be out there. I note that some time ago, I got an awesome eggplant recipe from this site, but I'm still interested in learning more about smoking veggies.Thanks.
I grill red, green and yellow very offten to use as a relish ingredient on grilled chicken, and sliced beef sandwiches.
This is probably old news for folks here, but the best luck I have had with red bell peppers is to grill the whole pepper over a very high direct heat until the pepper is a nice uniform black. Then throw the pepper into a brown paper bag for about 1/2 hr. When it comes out, the black will peel away. Slice up the remaining pepper and pack it in olive oil and garlic for some very nice roasted red peppers that will keep quite a while in the fridge.

I agree with the previous post by Alan, but I love to leave Hot Hungarian Peppers on the vine until red, then roast as described -- grill until charred, brown or plastic bag it, peel the black off, save the rest in a container with some EVOO. (Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Thank Rachael Ray for that.)
I had a run at smoking Hungarian Peppers last weekend. Left them on a little too long.

I'm going to take another shot at it this weekend.

I also smoke the really big Italian peppers. I take whole slices of them and put them on grilled chicken breast.

Hint for all of the above? Use a very light smokewood. Nothing stronger than pecan.

