Recommended recipe software?


Karl K.

...does anyone have a recommendation on what recipe software to use? I'm thinking that there's probably one, maybe two programs that most everyone uses. I'm interested in importation aspects, recipe grades (how good was the outcome?) and possible Palm integration. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to look at further? TIA,

I'd suggest Mastercook 8.0, myself. I've been very pleased with it - very easy to set up ratings, plenty of room for notes, multiple cookbooks, and a very easy intervace to quickly and easily copy recipes from the web into the database.

I've been using Mastercook for years (since version 4.2), and so far, version 8.0 gets a A+ from me. Earlier versions don't have some of the features, though, so be sure to look for 8.0

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time
Karl, here's an earlier thread you might be interested in. Most of the links are dead but this is the link I keep going back to. Thank you Rita and Keri!
If you have a Mac I recommend CookWareDeluxe. You can find it at digitalfried Excellent support from the software developer.

I agree that MasterCook is the way to go if you're running a pc.

Wow, I knew I had come to the right place to ask this question! Thanks for all your replies and suggestions (in particular that great recipe link!).
There's also a link to a free recipe viewer (right in the middle of that page). While you're waiting to get your copy of MasterCook, you can start to view and use the recipes.

