Recommendations Please

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Robert Fox

TVWBB Member
Hello - I just ordered a WSM from Amazon and am looking for suggestions as to what I should cook first. I have NEVER used a smoker before, and would obviously like it to be sucessful.

I have spent the last 10 days or so perusing this forum and have come across MANY tempting recipes but am undecided at this point. What do you experienced WSM'ers suggest?

Thanks in advance - Bob
well, im just a newbie too...but from my few smokes i think the easiest and fool proof are the ribs....its really hard to mess them up..they got lots of fat and they dont really need alot of time..i mean maybe 6 apposed to brisket or pork putt...i say play around with ribs gettin the temps on the WSM stable and making sure you can do 6 hours...which shouldtn be diff......the brisket and pork butts are more labor intensive with the whole.. waking up in middle of night thing.... i say deff stick with a short cook time....if you want you can even try some chicken......they are cheap and only a few hours...and when they come off you will prob have some time left with the coals....and just see if you can keep it stable....and then i think your ready for the long cooks....once you get comfy with the few hour cooks its really not diff to go for the longer ones.......thats whats so cool about this smoker...

my first cook was some ribs for about 5 hours adn then i did a brisket...with the help of the guys here.. it came out perfect........good luck
If I were to do it over from the beginning, I would have done a pork butt first time out...smaller side, maybe 4 lbs or so. They are soooooo forgiving and turn out great everytime! Mords, why are you getting up in the middle of the night during your butt cooks?? Still putting water in the pan?? Sand my man, sand is the answer!!

Bob, go for the pork'll get plenty of practice time during the pork butt cook to learn how to get the temp stable and all that other stuff and with a butt that small, still be able to enjoy the spoils after your work!!

Just my $.02
I'm with greg on the pork butt. You will get plenty of practice seeing how the WSM reacts to vent changes etc. It will be a nice long cook to get the feel of it. As greg said the butt is a very forgiving piece of meat.Figure 2 hrs. a lb and get a butt the size that meets the time you want to spend on the first cook. Bryan

I suggest either ribs or chicken and would put ribs first. Chicken is a short cook and not difficult, but it's not a real slow/low smoke which is what you got your WSM for. BB are a little shorter cook with less prep time. Read the cooking section for comlete details. Spare are great but take longer, 7+ hrs and require more prep time. The plus is they're less expensive and are meatier.

You'll love doing pork butts but they do take more time. Even with a small one 3-4 lbs you could spend 8+ hrs. They are forgiving and will come out great but it is more time, etc.

Don't forget to read the main site on firing up etc. There's a wealth of info there which no one can give you on a reply to a posts.

Hope things go well and enjoy.

Im a newbie too. I agree on the pork butt (or boston blade). Ive done 2 and they both came out great. They were about 4 lbs each and took about 9 hrs. Got up early and the were a great dinner. It seems pork butt is more forgiving than brisket. I used hickory wood.

Thanks All - - - Looks like a pork butt (or two) are going first with ribs second. I understand the longer cooking items will give me more experience operating the WSM, plus I'll be able to get a better understanding of the Maverick ET-73 which will be arriving with it. I'll keep the group posted with my results ....

Thanks again - Bob
Way to take the butt by the horns Bob
...if we can be of any more help just post...we're here to help and make that first butt(and everything else)perfect!
I am with Susan! Jump in with both feet and don't look back. At least doing both the brisket and the butt, you will see what you future is gonna be like, good Q and a new very addictive hobby! Good luck Robert and let us know how it turns out!
Definitly pork butt first. It was my first and is still a favorite of my kids and their friends. Matter of fack....I have one in the cooler right now waiting to go to a pool party. My brother didn't want we to bring it....but I love showing him up!

Nick P.
Yeah...and I showed him up!!! He did 2 beer can chickens on the gasser that were good, but the pulled pork....well what can I say, with 2 sauces to chose from and the most tender, moist and delicious 8.5 lbs of meat you can get, the only left overs were chicken. Sorry brother!

Nick P.
First, i NEVER wake up in middle of the night of my pork butt cooks cuz i DONT cook them...i was pretty much referring to my brisket cooks...

Ok, so i didnt konw that pork butt was THAT forgiving.....!!!! geez i would have said go with the pork butt but now i know......

The folks here are a lil suicidal when it come to cooking...Just jump in head first.....i like to take it a lil more slowly......but whatever you end up doing...remember EVERYONE here is HERE for ya to walk ya through it....

remember my first cook guys? i thik there must have been 45 posts with some going up until 3 in the morning....wild night awsome brisket...
whatever ya do buddy

good luck
My suggestion...take it easy at a Boston Butt with a nice sweet rub.

A pork butt is pretty forgiving and it is so good on a smoker....make youself a HERO with the family from day one!
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