Chuck Tatham
TVWBB Member
what do you guys do to determine what can be re used and what is spent? I haven't dealt with the left overs from the first smoke. What do you put it in?
Originally posted by Jerry N.:
I have two grates (perpendicular) and use lump. I also have my ring wired to the grate. I do the shake, shake, shake and what ever is left is what I use. However, I do a little different. I dump the used charcoal out and set it aside. I don't use it in the chimney because it is too small and falls through. I don't like falling lava. What I do is like lasagna. I put some fresh into the ring then put some of the used then more fresh and the rest of the used. It helps fill in the gaps that lump leaves. I'm a firm believer that packing the ring and going for a full cook on one load. I've never had to reload on a cook yet.