Reclaiming used but unburned fuel


Chuck Tatham

TVWBB Member
what do you guys do to determine what can be re used and what is spent? I haven't dealt with the left overs from the first smoke. What do you put it in?
If its large enough that it doesn't pass through the charcoal grate and fall into the bowl, I'll use it. I keep my used but usable coals in a metal bucket with a lid to keep out the dampness.

Others will have different opinions, but this works for me.

Chuck, I take the charcoal grate out witht he ring and shake it out. Whatever doesn't fall out is used in the next cook. BTW , I have two grates . One perpendicular to the other
Same as what Paul does, after shaking out the small pieces I leave the useable coals in the smoker for the next time.
If I'm going to cook immediately (next day or two) and no rain is scheduled I will re-use using the methods mentioned. Like Pat, I have two grates going in opposite directions to get the most burn out of them.
I usually use lump. After giving the grate a good stir and a shake to get the ash off, I put the usable charcoal in my chimney, to use on the grill (usually the next day). I prefer to start the smoker with fresh charcoal, and only use it once a week. I grill about 2-3 times a week.

Oh, and I use a 2nd grate too, to make a grid pattern that holds the lump better. I believe it was a 13.5" grate that I got at Menards for about $2.50. It fits just inside the ring, and so far is holding up well.
Kind of like Matt. I use lump and I have double grates in my Performer and WSM. When the cook is done I close down all the vents top/bottom. I don a pair of surgical gloves (optional) and just lightly work the coals to knock off the ash.

I just take anything that hasn't fallen through the grate(s) and toss it in a metal pail/bowl.

I toss that in the chimney first when lighting up for the next cook. I've found no issue (I use lump pretty much 99.9%)or difference in lighting, smell, etc, etc by using this left over fuel.
I have two grates (perpendicular) and use lump. I also have my ring wired to the grate. I do the shake, shake, shake and what ever is left is what I use. However, I do a little different. I dump the used charcoal out and set it aside. I don't use it in the chimney because it is too small and falls through. I don't like falling lava. What I do is like lasagna. I put some fresh into the ring then put some of the used then more fresh and the rest of the used. It helps fill in the gaps that lump leaves. I'm a firm believer that packing the ring and going for a full cook on one load. I've never had to reload on a cook yet.
Jerry, GREAT IDEA!!! I don't use lump that much because I can't ever get it tight enough for a long burn. I've been only using it for short cooks. Using the old charcoal would help solve that issue
Originally posted by Jerry N.:
I have two grates (perpendicular) and use lump. I also have my ring wired to the grate. I do the shake, shake, shake and what ever is left is what I use. However, I do a little different. I dump the used charcoal out and set it aside. I don't use it in the chimney because it is too small and falls through. I don't like falling lava. What I do is like lasagna. I put some fresh into the ring then put some of the used then more fresh and the rest of the used. It helps fill in the gaps that lump leaves. I'm a firm believer that packing the ring and going for a full cook on one load. I've never had to reload on a cook yet.

thats the kind of stuff i was looking for!!! Great idea.

