Re-heating turds

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Larry Evers

Making a batch of Teddy Bears Buffalo Turds for people at work Friday. Will make them Thursday night and serve them around 9ish on Friday. What's the best way to re-heat them? Microwave or we do have a small oven contraption?

I'd go with that oven contraption on a fairly low heat 'till warmed enough. I made thirty for the game yesterday and kept them warm in the oven and served them in stages.
For what it's worth, ABT's aren't bad eaten cold. Better when warm, but not bad. (I am presuming that the bacon got fairly crisp.)

However, for folks who have never had them'd probably want to serve them heated.

my 2?
-- Ken
I've never made these things myself, but I'm thinking you'll need to be very careful reheating as it wouldn't take much for the cream cheese to melt and ooze out.

oven on low temp is probably the best bet.
Ok guys, please tell me what you are talking about when you refer to a turd.

The turd I'am familiar with you wouldn't cook but flush. /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif


Turds are Atomic Buffalo Turds (ABT's) for short, they are stuffed jalapeno peppers, usually stuffed with cream cheese, maybe some smoked pork, spices, wrapped in bacon then smoked on the WSM. do a search for ABT's their ae some recipes and links to other web sites. Gooooooooood!
You do want to avoid using a vacuum sealer on those puppies. They will end up flat as a pancake. Sure they taste the same, but they lose all shape.
Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. Was planning to do chicken breats Saturday.Now I'll have turds for starters. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
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