Originally posted by Bryan Mayland:
I got my first stab at the HeaterMeterPi boards last night and aside from the standard component placement problems which aren't going to be too hard to fix, I've got this problem.
This is how I envisioned the final assembly looking (with all the HeterMeter circuitry assembled on the underside of the purple board). The problem is that the LCD is taller than the button + cap so the LCD will have to stick through the case, which I was hoping to avoid. It can't mount below the HeaterMeter PCB because it is the same height as the Pi's USB jacks. I considered surface mounting it, which gives us a few mm but not nearly enough for the button to be able to make it out of the case. Another option is not mounting it to the board but wiring it with a bunch of short wires. Unfortunately then there's nothing to hold it in place.
I guess it isn't a deal breaker, considering the USB jacks and SD card are going to stick out anyway. I'm just a little disappointed. I looked at
chip-on-glass LCDs which are perfectly thin, but they're 20% smaller in display area, and have a different pin spacing and pinout.