Rack Combinations


Colin T

New member
So I want to smoke 3 items this weekend, but I only have 2 days. So I need to know what combinations and on what racks work the best? I’m planning on doing a Brisket, Pork Butt, and a whole chicken or two. I was planning on doing the Brisket by itself on Sunday. Then doing Chicken on the bottom rack and the Pork on the top on Monday. Would this be the best way ? Also I’m looking for a good easy brisket recipe?
Sorry if thier is a post about this already.

Colin,sounds good,but do the chicken on top. The chicken will be done way before the butt. You don't want to have to pull off a grate to get to something if you don't have to. HTH and enjoy!
I suggest doing the Butts and Brisket together with the butts on top dripping all the pork goodness on the brisket. They both will take much longer than the Chicken and cook at similar temps 225-250. I usually cook my chicken at 300-325.

As for Brisket recipe... Kosher Salt, Black Pepper and Garlic is my favorite. The KISS method.

Just my two cents, have fun.

