


TVWBB Olympian
Found some great priced Lamb racks today. So thats whats for dinner.(reverse sear)

Letme walk you thru it....Here We go:

Rub: Garlic/Lemon zest/Chili/thyme/salt/pepper...Added some evoo and juice of ½ a lemon,then ground to a paste.

Rubbed and rested for a few hours.

Grill set to a humble 250f,indirect ofc. Almost there target 56c.(5 more mins)

Lamb is resting nothing to look @ looks almost the same as when i put it on. Cranking up the heat and added some Spears.

Grill is getting hot...Time to sear.

Fat side down 2 min/bone side 1 min then pulled:

Plated with a cold Pasta salad/spears/marinated olives and a youghurt based mint sauce:

Was way to long since i had Lamb...And whatta great taste it has. If you had Lamb when you was a kid and your mind is set on "not my cup´o´te" Then try it again I BET you will love it.(lessond lerned Foil the bones for the searing part)

Thanks for your time! Have a great Midsummerseve ppl!

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Really nice! Agree with, "If you had Lamb when you was a kid and your mind is set on "not my cup´o´te"
Then try it again I BET you will love it.
Curious: What is a "great price on Lamb racks" there?
99 sek/kg.(frenshed and all) = 15,4 usd/kg. 1 kg =2.2 pounds. This rack was about 500g or close to 1 LB. So we have one in the freezer(came in a 2 pack) Humm i had a few beers but after reading it twise it looks true. :p

And thanks OFC!
Great looking lamb and sides!!! Rack of lamb is one of my favorites, a few years ago I wasn't a fan of lamb, go figure.
No surstrømming in sight, but just pictures of the most perfect cooked lamb I have ever seen! I do not what to say. There is no way I can copy perfection. Thank you.
Thanks for your time! Have a great Midsummerseve ppl!
lookin' forward to it this!!
Daniel, You are an amazing man AND chef!
Everything you prep, everything you grill and (almost) everything you say astounds me!!

