Quick refurb of my 10-year-old Ace Q2200



New member
Last time I did a thorough scrape clean, I had to clear all the burner holes with a paper clip. This is a real PITA. I decided after 10-years I could splurge on a new burner tube. Grates are still fine.

Used Ballistol to get the old bolt, off, let it work for about a half hour, bolt came out fine. PRO TIP: Don't use Commercial strength Easy off, it took some of the red paint off the inside of the lid! :oops: Switched to CitriSafe for the outside of the lid. Used the Easy Off on the inside of the cookbox, plus scraper, plus bristle brush attachment for an electric drill. Put a little copper grease anti-seize on the new bolt before installing it.

The new burner has larger holes than the original and I wondered if that would affect the heating. It does not appear to. The gas flow is controlled by the regulator, of course. so larger holes simply let it breath easier, I guess. Did a burnoff to get rid of any residual oils on the burner and cook off any cleaner residue, it pegged the thermo, and felt like it was heating very evenly, I'm very happy with this. Not as clean as I've seen some of you get these, but I'm not 'restoring' it, or planning to sell it or anything. I just cook on it. A lot.

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Hopefully Chris will move these posts to the Q forum instead of this one.
Otherwise Qs are not that hard to deal with
Sorry, new here. I'll have to get more familiar with the forums, I just saw "gas grills". I'll study the forum layout more.
It’s all good. We are glad to have you here. 👍The sections just make it easier to focus on a particular type of grill.
Yeah, not like a huge deal. Just do it once more and you're "out" LOL :D It just makes things easier to follow if things are kept in proper headings is all
Yep, not like that rule doesn't get bumped around here. I am probably one of the bigger offenders. But it really does help the forum out a lot to keep the grills separated as much as possible. A lot of times threads will evolve from one type of grill into another or incorporate all kinds of grills, but starting a thread in it's proper category will benefit both the original poster and the rest of the forum members.
But please stick around John. I would love to see more posting in the Q section.

