Quick baby back question


russell swift

TVWBB Super Fan
I'm cooking baby backs and a whole chicken this weekend. Plan on using 3-2-1 method for ribs and slowly cooking the chicken underneath at 225F to 250F. Estimated cook time is 6 hours. My question is whether it is better to use the Standard method or the Minion method. I've had great success with the Minion method for keeping a steady 225F for my pork butts. In the past, the Standard method has produced a "roaring fire" that is hard to bring down. I don't want to go above 250F, but also don't want to waste a whole bag of charcoal. Any advice?

I use the MM on all my cooks, I just find it easier to control temps on the way up rather then trying to get them to come down. That's just my own personal experience though.

Six hours might be a little long for baby backs if using foil.
I'm with Bruce. If I'm looking for a low temp, MM always. I've never even tried to use the standard method and bring the fire down. 225° is 225°, it doesn't matter to the meat how you get there.

