Question for the Lump users


Dean C.

I own three WSM's and have always used Kingsford to fire them, always with the Standard Method. I just ordered five bags of Wicked Lump and was wondering what I need to alter during firing. When using lump do you still start with one chimney, fill to the brim, then allow to ash over before assembling? Or does the fact that it burns hotter require less charcoal. Kind of a long post, but thanks for the insight.
I use only the minion method.

But, if I was using the standard method, I would empty the chimney when it's about halfway lit. Then carefully spread the lit evenly as possible before adding the unlit.

If you are going to cook low and slow, I would suggest using the minion method instead. It conserves fuel and I think holds temps longer than the standard method IMO.
Lump only burns hotter if air intake is unrestricted.

I only fire with the standard when doing a high heat cook and in that case I light two chimneys and let them get going well--but I do not wait till the lump is ashed over in the chimney as I find that you lose too much by doing so. I let the bottom third or so get going really well then dump both chimneys, spreading as needed, then wait a bit for most of the lump to get going, assemble and start cooking.

I'll often end up with more remaining lump when the cook is done (if I shut it down) than I would had I used Kingsford but I don't think you can really start with less volume-wise.
Thanks. I should have thought about my question before I asked it, I was trying to figure out if the standard method worked with lump as well as it did with Kingsford. I can tell by your responses that it does not. I have not used the Minion with Kingsford, but I will with the lump. Thanks again.
Good choice on the Wicked Good. My favorite lump. Be advised that if you got the comp blend it is harder to light than kingsford or some other lumps. Don't know about the weekend blend, never used it. Just use a few more sheets of newspaper than usual if that is how you light your chimney.
What you'll love most is that compaired to kingsford, wicked good leaves no ash. When I'm lazy, I can do 3 cooks before I need to clean out the ashes.
The Wicked came highly reccommended. I had every intention of getting the comp. blend but apparently they don't currently make it anymore. Got three bags of the weekend blend coming. I light my chimenys with a turkey frye.
I received the Wicked weekend blend last week. Have yet to use it, but would love to hear what you think and how it goes. I plan on using it next weekend. I just did an overnight cook Friday and decided to not chance it, so I used my last bag of 'old' Kingsford.
I did open the the bag of Wicked and it looks like it contains some fair sized chunks unlike the dissapointment I had when i recently used the BBQ Galore brand which IMO should be avoided as it is mostly comprised of small pieces and dust.
I am also going to go and buy the Picnic lump from the local Brookshires and give that a try in a few weeks. The Picnic comes very highly recommended on the NakedWhiz as well.
You know, the "new" Kingsford is one of the reasons I decided to try the lump. I have only read a handful of the posts in regards to it, but I always wanted to try lump anyway and this was as good of an excuse as any. Well this weekend, I cooked two butts, a flat, and three racks of baby backs on three WSM's (comp practice) with the new Kingsford. I did notice a few subtle differences (looked like more ash and I almost had to add more charcoal towards the end of the butt cook) but overall, it was nearly the same. It didn't notice a difference in the chimney time, but it seemed like it took longer to ash fully over when I dumped unlit on the top of the lit. Didn't notice a difference in taste of product and everything came out great. I still plan on using the lump, just wanted to share that. Thanks.

