Question for new owners (Cover)


Jon Powell

New member
I'm playing my order tomorrow at work and it should arrive on the truck Wednesday. I've read conflicting reports on the newer units being shipped with covers. While others didn't receive covers.

Was just wondering, did you guys get one with yours? If not, could you guys recommend the best place to purchase?

If your WSM comes in the box unassembled, it will include a cover. If it's not in there, call Weber customer service at 800-446-1071 and they'll send you one for free.


Assuming you got an 18 inch wsm then you can have my cover. It's worthless. Too tight to the point of frustrating. I haven't used it in years. I use a large, thick black trash bag with a bungee to hold it tight at the bottom. Works wonders and keeps me sane. Give it a thought.
you can have my cover. It's worthless. Too tight to the point of frustrating

I agree with T Bounds. Mine was too tight and I cut the elastic band and that helped. But it still was not watertight so I have now resorted to covering mine with a black plastic trash bag.
Anyone in easter NC that wants an old cover for free, let me know.

I have the 18" WSM and the cover is tight. I cut the elastic and that helped. I had heard about the covers for both the WSM and OTG not being watertight so when I first received them, I treated the seams with a sealer for tent seams. This can be found at a sporting goods store and only takes a few minutes to apply. Over a year now and no leaks. Good Luck with your new smoker!!!

