Don't start out comparing your cooks to E&J. All my bbq came from them until I got my smoker and after 6 months, I'm just now feeling like I'm in the zone. However, you can snag jars of their sauce (skip the mild) and it will do wonders for your food =). I do my chicken hot at around 275-300, propping the lid with a skewer and all vents full open. At the very end, to get super crispy skin, I pull the middle of the smoker off and quick sear the chicken on top of the grate set right over the bottom coals. The skin blisters and gets a nice char, but you really have to watch it and turn it quickly. For ribs, I use the "bend" test I read about on this forum. You can get some pretty good tasting links to smoke at Magnani's on Hopkins or Taylors in Oakland. Keep at it - it's worth the effort!