Question about smaller briskets


Baine Herrera

New member
Here in Austin we are blessed with an abundance of places to buy brisket but I always seem to find >11lb packers, like 14-18 Lb packers is pretty normal. I see people talking about smoking smaller briskets 8-10 Lbs and have to ask if they are finding smaller packers or if they are smoking trimmed flats? The reason I'm interested is because 15-20 hours sounds a lot better than 21-28 hours in the WSM. Thanks a million guys!
I picked up a 11-12lber today and it is an untrimmed packer but the point is pretty small on it so it's mostly all flat. My only other option was a 18 lb behemoth.

Have you considered doing HH brisket? You can cook them in 4-5 hours.
Most of the whole briskets I find are also 10-12 lbs. Like Bob said, they are mostly flat without a big point section. High heat works well on them though.

