Question About Kingsford Hickory Charcoal



TVWBB Gold Member
I tried Kingsford Charcoal with Hickory for the second time and to me it seems to burn faster. Has anyone else found this to be the case?
Yea I found all those flavored charcoals do seem to burn faster, fine for grilling, but for smoking I dunno.
Must be those little bits of wood cause them to go all out.

I was using in my Performer and started to see a real drop in temp after about 35-40 minutes with a full chimney.
I am not surprised, the wood will peak more quickly and fail more rapidly than regular charcoal. The wood itself is simply embedded in the charcoal matrix and will burn off faster than the surrounding charcoal.
At least I think that's the way it works.
Back In Jan. I picked up 4 bags at HD for $2.83 each on clearance.
I didn't notice a duration problem using it for grilling and liked it fine.
Bought it knowing the wood chips would burn up quick and not add much smoke.
ChuckO likes the K apple better.

