Question About Dome Temp Difference



TVWBB Gold Member
Hi all. I've been absent for a bit due to some medical issues but I'm slowly bouncing back. I have a question regarding the difference in temperature readings between my remote probe and the thermometer on the dome/lid. I read Chris's article on the temp differnces as well as others posts and the general consesus seems to be that the dome reading will be higher. On mine both my IGrill 2 and Guru probes show the same temp reading within 4-5 degrees of each other but the reading on the dome is about 25 degrees lower, not higher as most others say. Is this unusual and has anyone else experienced similar reading differences?
I'd check the dome thermometer. Remove it & place the stem in ice water, note the temperature & then in boiling water (& note the temp). While you are at it, you might do the same for the other 2 probes.
My dome temp varies greatly based upon the ambient temp, wind, and precipitation. Lately it has been quite a bit lower than the chamber temp.
I never use my dome temp, I have two Mavericks that I use and I test them about every 3 months or so to make sure they are still accurate
I don't really use the dome temp either. I use my IGrill 2 and BBQ Guru. I was just curious. Thanks all.

