Question about ash


Mike DiMaggio

TVWBB Member
I was cooking a butt yesterday and noticed when I was pulling it off there was a lot of ash in the air. It was almost getting pushed up from the bottom. I was using a 22.5. Very similar to when you use newspaper in a charcoal starter how it blows it up in the air when hot. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? Does the ash effect the end product? I was using an empty water pan as well. Just wondering.
It won't hurt anything but it is unappealing. It is caused by the vacuum produced when you lift the lip straight up quickly. Some charcoal is worse than others and I believe using no water in the pan or no pan at all seems to contribute as well. To solve the problem use the side handle and lift slowly, then pull the top handle up. You may still get some when the seal breaks but hopefully it will be to a minimum. Try different charcoal to see if it helps.
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As Dwain (tried ;) ) to say, when you lift the LID - there's a vacuum which kicks ash into the air.
Lift the lid slowly and you'll be good to go. I had to learn this also.

Another tip I learned here, but haven't tried yet (because I'm too lazy) is to close the bottom vents before lifting the lid. That will cut off the intake airflow and leave the ash pretty much undisturbed when you lift the lid.
The all-natural charcoal briquettes (Stubbs, Rancher, Kingsford Comp) tend to generate this kind of ash more than others.
I have had this problem also. Coated an entire butt with ash once, had to "rinse" it off with an apple juice spritz.
Like was said up-thread, don't pull the lid up quickly, cause that will create a vacuum which will suck up any light ash. Better to crack the lid and move it slightly to the side than lift it like it was on a hinge.
Carl is rite all of those have more lighter fly away ash than using standard briqs like RO or lump IME.
Lack of a wind-break will also add to this, as the breeze enters the bottom vents and forces the ash up towards the top vent.


