Q'ing in the rain


Larry D.

TVWBB Emerald Member
A sudden thunderstorm, complete with pea-size hail, is beating down on the WSM which has two butts cooking away. It's a deluge. The butts were at about 189 last time I checked, so I guess I can salvage them even if the fire goes out. Anyone had any experience with this situation? It looks like water coming off the lid and running down the inside might just accumulate in the bottom, and maybe not affect the fire at all (I hope)??
Hey Larry!
No, I've never experienced that heavy a rain when BBQ'n, but I have purchased a 6 foot umbrella for when it rains

Works great!!

Rath *keepin' dry*
The cooking temp dropped down during the rain, and I fired up another chimney (small one, not the Weber) of lump to add to it. By the time it was lit good, the Stoker had managed to bring the cook temp back up to 250. I added the lit lump anyway. The cook went right on, and the butts hit 195 in a fairly short time. This morning I found maybe a quart of water in the bottom section, but it had not touched the charcoal or interfered with the cook at all. The butts turned out fine, I pulled them at about 9:00 last night and put the meat in the refrigerator. So, even with the wind, rain, and hail, the WSM did its job with its usual efficiency.

The umbrella idea is good, but unless I had lashed it down very tightly to something, an umbrella would have ended up way down the street yesterday.
It's thundering here now. Big storm on the way. I got a butt on the smoker now. Hopefully it turns out good like yours
We had some rain here as well which was actually a benefit to the brisket smoking process. Smoker temps were in the 275 degree range and the rain cooled it back down to around 225.

Probably not cool, but in the past I have used the garden hose to cool down the smoker and cookin' temps when they get a little high. Works like a charm for me.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by V_Rocco:
It's thundering here now. Big storm on the way. I got a butt on the smoker now. Hopefully it turns out good like yours

Good luck!
I posted this on another thread, but we had rain last night and this AM. We have a large umbrella for the yard and I put it over the WSM and there was no problem.
I haven't used my WSM in th rain but I have Grilled in a Tropical Storm. I also have a Brinkman Smoke King Deluxe offset type smoker and a few weeks ago in Fliorida we had a pretty good Tropical Storm come through the area. I was siitting at home bored and remembered I had two good sized Ribeye steaks sitting in the fridge that I was going to cook the day before but hadn't. I lit up a chimney of lump and threw it in the firebox and added a couple of peices of hickory chunks to the fire. I placed the steaks in the smoke chamber for about 45 mintes and then finished them up in the firebox/grill area. On the way back inside I stopped at my little fridge and pulled out a couple of Yuenglings and sat down in front of the TV and watche the OLN BBQ Cookoff marathon.
Best steaks I ever ate. I rubbed one with HomeBBQ.com's Butcher Block Garlic lovers Steak Seasoning and the other with the Black Jack Rub and Grill. I was livin the life of a bachelor since the wife and son were in Texas at the time. Just me and the dog and all the beer and BBQ I could take.

