

Phil Perrin

TVWBB Hall of Fame
OK. I guess I'm hooked. It's 3:50 am,I'm waiting for the chimney to finish firing up,and I'm posting on the forum. Went to the blues,brew and bbq fest last weekend. Coulgn't wait for THIS weekend for some PHIL-B-QUE. Hello,my name is Phil and I'm a q-a-holic. I'm even typing this in the dark,while my mother in law sleeps just right over there. Yep. Definately hooked!
I have the same problem. When I watch a BBQ show on the food network etc., I want to go outside and Q something, usually it's what was made on the TV program.
5:15 PM and that bad boy is comin off! Gonna pull it and chow! Gotta go before I drool on the key board!!
It's ok Phil, Many of us have the same problem since we got a decent smoker! I look on the bright side here "It keeps us out the bar"!!! I always look forward during the work week in planning a menu for Fri/Sat. thus having some good beer drinking time as well. The cooler weather really makes me want to do all-nighters! I do enjoy the dates with my wsm as she always pleases me! "keeps wifey on her toes"!-just kidding of course! Smoking differs from griling and to me- you just can't bbq a quick meal as when you grill. Grills are nice but for chiely hamburgers/hotdogs/ or steak.
I feel your pain Phil. I smoked a butt last night and a brisket today. Now I'm thinking about the next smoke. I think I'm going to start making some of Kevin Kruger's exotic rubs/pastes. Definitely going to keep doing the briskets high heat though.

Hope dinner was good.

Yeah,I got's a problem
!! But as long as this smoker keeps everyone happy,I don't mind a bit! I don't know what my next smoke is going to be,but I'll let you know.
I ditched cigarettes 2 years and now im addicted to smoking again. Meat that is. Im an addict. I cant go 1 day without checking the TVWB web page and looking up recipes.
Well at least its a healthier form of smoking than I used to do.

"Its the wood that makes it good."
Hey, I've got no problem at all...!!!!

Ahhhhh....now that I've got the WSM going again...slipped out early and made a run to Smart & Final...spareribs on sale at $1.69/lb...Ahhhhhh....

Got it going again, all trimmed up and in the bullet...Ahhhhhhhh...comin' up to temp with current temp at 225, approaching the target 240 nicely...

Life is good for the time being...until these spares run out...I almost went into a panic, the last of the pulled pork was used in a sandwich a couple nights ago...started twitchin' and "sweatin' with the thawed meats"...Richard Simmons might have been proud of me...

Even got a pile of trimmings for my wife next week...

And as a preventative I picked up a pack of pork butts on sale at $1.49/lb and tossed them in the freezer for next week...

Life is good, and lumps your friend...
I'm a Que-a-holic too.

Have you ever left work early just to get some ribs on the smoker in time for dinner?
Me = guilty.

