My wife wanted some baby backs today and I was happy to oblige since I took the day off. Started with a ring full off Kingsford blue and about 18 or so lit briquettes using the tin can method. Smoke provided by oak. No variation from my last rib cook except I didn't use any water. I struggled with the temps the whole time today. The dome thermometer went to 300 or so fairly early in the cook and I couldn't get it down even with all lower vents closed. Stuck my other temp probe through a lime (all I had at the moment) to get a backup reading on the temps at the grate. It read about 280 or so and it and the dome toyed with each other throughout the cook but hovered around 280 - 300 most of the cook. Never could get my temps where I wanted. I figured what the heck and rode it out. Ribs were much darker than I wanted but I sauced them and held them in the oven for about 45 minutes or so. They turned out Better than I expected and the family was pleased (that's what matters). Still not sure what happened with the temp control. Not any wind to speak of. Oh we'll, we all have full bellies and I'll try with water again next time to see what happens. Can't expect them all to go smoothly.
Hope everyone has a great Grillfest 2013 weekend.
Hope everyone has a great Grillfest 2013 weekend.