Another one for the burning clean camp. Once the ugly white smoke stops and I'm getting clean blue smoke I'm game. This is usually far before I'm done prepping my meat on my Auber controlled pits.
I use restaurant grade lump wood charcoal in mine and it tends to be practically smoke free, the only time any white smoke is produced is when some wood is burning. Maybe I'll take a closer look next start up and see if it smokes. Once this has run out I'm going to try using a quality briquette to see how it compares.
I wait until the heavy white smoke is gone. As far as time goes put me in the "Its done when its done camp". For ribs it is in the smoke until I like the color, then in the foil until I like the tenderness. Then back out of the foil to set the sauce.
For those of you who wait till the white smoke is gone, what do you guys do when you need to add charcoal in the middle of the cook ?
I put the meat on right away and catch the temp range on the way up/ I've never ever ever had an issue with any type of off-flavor. Not even from my super inefficient chargriller where I had to add charcoal two or three times in a 20 hour smoke.