Pulled Pork Quantities

Hi, folks:
I'm getting involved as a pulled port sadwich supplier for a school fund raiser. A search in the forums turned up a discussion fdrom 2004 that one fellow served up sandwiches running at roughly 2.5 oz. per bun. while the numbers are great - more or less 60 sandwishes to a 10 pund butt, it seemed to me a little light. Of course, it must be kept in mind that it is a fund raiser, so piling meat high is not in the cards, but, I'm wondering if anyone out there have experience with this?

Your cooked yield will be only about 50-60% of the uncooked product weight. In a mixed group-- older adults, younger adults, and children-- the average consumption will be around 1/3 pound per person. If you're feeding the high school football team, figure on a half pound.
You need to factor in that the cooked butt will weigh less than the uncooked butt.

In the cooking section of this site, a yield of 40-60% is given for an untrimmed butt. A 10 pound untrimmed butt will yield 4-6 pounds of meat.

Using the admittedly light serving of 2.5 ounces per sandwich, an 10 pound untrimmed butt will yield 25-38 sandwiches.
Doug was looking over my shoulder ...
this may sound silly. but you could always go buy a pulled pork sandwhich at a local bbq place. take it home and weigh the amount of meat that it comes with. try and get it w/o sauce to be as accurate as possible.

