Pulled pork pizza anyone?



TVWBB Olympian
Ok was doing some pulled "thick ribs" yesterday and got alot leftovers so i thought a pizza
with this deli meat would be nice.

And 2 huge pizzas it was(15.7").

My 22" was set to pizza mode with the fire briks.

Tomato sauce:garlic,caned tomatoes,basil,oregano salt and pepper.

Toppings:cheese,onions,tomatosauce and mushrooms and then the pulled pork added with 5 min before done.


Best canned tomatoes in the world think:

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Pork sauced up before hitting the pizza:

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Have a nice evening//Me
I'd give the shirt off my rback for a slice of that pie!

Ok, TWO slices!
That looks really good! Couple of questions-

1-How long do the bricks take to heat up?
2-The crust looks very nice, did you make it yourself or is it bought?
the Pizza dough is home made.

The bricks take sum time to heat up i guess i waited 50 min before i put on the pizza(could maby gone sooner)

But those bricks are still really hot in the grill. Was a few hours since i pulled the vents.

Could maby used thiner bricks for faster heating
Well if u heat her(wsm) up REALLY good it should be fine other wise its to low temp.
And dont even think about using a bowl inside or the top rack to cook it,but i have never tryed so if u try tell us the resaults.

Stone baked pizzas if i recall bakes at around 350c thats why i get better results on the grill
then in my kitchen oven that only can go to 250c

And the dough isnt really that importan i might say(bought some dough of my local pizza he thought i was nuts
)and did it in the oven turned out just as my ordinary oven pizza.


