Pulled Lamb?


Dan Krause

I have an idea for a lamb sandwich rolling around in my head. I am just wondering what are my options for the lamb preparation? I know I want to use leg of lamb (most likely bone in). Should I just do a straight smoke/roast and slice the meat or should I try something similar to the pulled beef recipe to make a pulled lamb?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. If this in the wrong thread, I apologize.
Thank you. I am hoping I can get similar results with a leg of lamb. Bone-in leg of lamb is the easiest piece of lamb for me to get my hands on.
I really wouldn't recomend trying to get pulled lamb out of a leg. They are so good grilled high and finished low (medium rare kind of thing). It will be really dry if you try to bring it to pullable temps. You want a shoulder for that (much cheaper as well). You can make some pretty sweet sandwiches with the leg though, just don't over cook it!


