Pulled Beef?



New member
Hello Everyone,

I was thinking about making pulled beef this weekend and I had a few questions before doing so.

I went to Costco today to look at there selection. All that I saw for beef was a choice grade Beef Round Tip. It was about 13 lbs. It had fat layers in it, so it looked like a good candidate. Plus at 2.50 a lb it seemed like it was in the right price range. Would this cut of meat make for some good pulled beef?


You want Chuck or Shoulder. Ask if you don't see. They may have in the back. I always use Chuck Rolls but they are very big. 18+lbs. Sometimes smaller. They will most likely cut them down to you requested size. Pulled beef is awesome and is perfered by many over brisket.
I did a couple of Costco chucks last weekend. At my Costco they come in a two pack. I put them on for about 4 1/2 hours unfoiled then foiled them for about 3 hours. They are fantastic. Get a good marbled one and let it cook until it's soft as butter.

Used seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic, cumin, and red pepper with brown sugar as a rub. Good stuff! And they area pretty much a no-brainer like pork butts.
Chuck roast is definitely the way to go for pulled beef. Plenty of marbling, which means lots of great beefy flavor. I've not done an entire chuck roll yet, but the day is coming. If you search for chuck roast on the forum, you'll get a ton of results/recipes/tips. It's our go-to smoked beef, even over brisket.
Chuck roast is definitely the way to go. Not round tip. Or you could go chuck roll like they have in the Cooking Topics section, but only if you want to feed your whole neighborhood. My costco currently has the two packs.

What throws me off about chuck roast is that everyone I see at different stores looks completely different from any other ones I've seen. What's up with that?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Tim L.:
What throws me off about chuck roast is that everyone I see at different stores looks completely different from any other ones I've seen. What's up with that? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
It's just the way the meat is cut and the part of the chuck it comes from.
Beef round tip is way too lean for Pulled Beef. Makes great jerky though!

As the others have said, for Pulled Beef, you want a "Chuck" cut, whichever is cheapest.
I run into the 7 bone pot roast, bone in chuck roast or whatever they want to call it. It still makes pretty good pulled beef IMO.

So I ended up getting the chuck pot roast from Costco. I'll try and post pictures latter. It ended up being two cuts. The cuts are around 3 lbs each. My question is how long should I expect to cook these pieces? With an hour and a half a pound, that would make it a 4 and a half cook time. Does this seem right?

Good luck on the cook. Try not to follow time too much. They are done when tender. Go low and slow and I usually foil the bigger cuts around 165* and then finsh til tender. Stick a fork in it and twist, should be like spagetti. Good luck. Pics if possible
Yeah, 1.5hrs/lb at 250º is about right.

I don't foil so after it hits 185º I start testing for tenderness. It's usually 'done' 190º~195º.
Yeah I should have clarified. I foil the bigger cuts mainly to cut down on cooking time. A 20# hunk of cow can take some time to get to tender.
Enjoy the cook....pulled beef is my favorite. Did a 20# Chuck Roll last month thinking that it would carry me through the winter months after freezing it. No such luck...between giving it away to relatives, and eating it ourselves, I will be lucky to make it to Thanksgiving with any left in the freezer.
This might be too late, but I think a round or sirloin would be a lousy choice for pulled beef. Use a chuck roast instead.

