Protect (or Maintain) Burner Tubes?



New member
I live in humid Madison, WI. I got a Genesis Silver B for free while helping someone move. It was in pretty rough shape, but I spent some money to replace the internals of the grill. This included replacing the burner tubes. This year, while replacing the cookbox, I noticed that my burner tubes had turned a rusty color. They aren't rough with rust, just that rust color. Is it possible that they are actually rusting? If so, can I prevent them from rusting? If I cannot prevent it, what is some regular maintenance I can do to prolong the life of the tubes? Also, what regular maintenance do you guys do on your grill to make sure it lasts for as long as possible? Any suggestions are appreciated!
Just use a clean grate brush on them occasionally to clear the holes. As for the color it's what happen to stainless in very high heat. They'll last just fine
When I got my silver b my tube looked so bad I thought they needed replacing. I scrub them down good with steel wool and bar tenders friend, then cleaned the holes good.Now Like Lmichaels says,,,just keep the holes clean.

