Project: Kettle Table

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Originally posted by George L:
The heat was a little intense underneath where I banked the charcoal.

I placed a temperature probe on the outside of the kettle, handle height and 3/4" from the metal surface. 160 degrees. OUCH! That put a hole in my plans to just to use wood with some high temperature rope between the metal surface and the wood. Might not start a fire but getting that hot 1 to 3 times a week won't do it any good.
Originally posted by Robert Black:
I placed a temperature probe on the outside of the kettle, handle height and 3/4" from the metal surface. 160 degrees. OUCH! That put a hole in my plans to just to use wood with some high temperature rope between the metal surface and the wood. Might not start a fire but getting that hot 1 to 3 times a week won't do it any good.

Only time will tell what effect the heat will have on my table. I can always re-modify...

But using wood as a tabletop was the last thing I wanted to do. Wood framing with a metal tabletop would be a nice mix.

Originally posted by George L:
I just need to come up with a lid holder of some sort which I kind of have in my mind...)
This what you have in mind?

Originally posted by Robert Black:
This what you have in mind?


:LOL: That's clever...

Actually, I have a few designs in mind. One major factor is that the lid pulling off to the side had to follow the natural "arch" or movement of my left arm, with no twists and turns. The support/holder will be attached at the end of the table and probably be made out of a piece of redwood.

Originally posted by George L:
One major factor is that the lid pulling off to the side had to follow the natural "arch" or movement of my left arm, with no twists and turns.

Yea, ain't the WEBER ELBOW a *****?!
Originally posted by Robert Black:
Yea, ain't the WEBER ELBOW a *****?!

Someone will eventually come up with lids made out of titanium.

But as they say in cycling, "steel is real"...
I don't know if this applies to grills as well.
Originally posted by Robert Black:
Possible solution for Weber Elbow:
I see you got yourself the cast iron grate too...

What you can do is enlarge that hole in the table, remove the plastic handles, and use the welded handle brackets on both sides to bolt the kettle to the table.
Originally posted by Branon S.:
This is exactly what I want to build. What is the diameter of the hole you used?
I don't recall but originally it was set down in the whole and the handles were to be about 1" above the top of the table. George L mentioned a heat problem so I cut mine to have about 1/2" gap on each side and the handles sit on the table top. As I mentioned in a previous message, I'm still not happy because of the heat situation. I had planned on a clear polyurethane but that will certainly melt at the temperatures it gets. I'm gona' follow George L's plan using the backerboard and tile.
It looks awesome, George. I wish I had your ingenuity. Keep us updated on how it performs and on how you solve the lid situation. I'm anxious to see how this works out for you.
The tile table looks great! Before you posted about the aluminum to raise the bowl I was wondering about the seal of the lid. Would you mind posting a picture of the whole table? I am also interested to see how you used the concrete board as an insulater under the top. It looks like the handle brackets would be a good way to anchor the bowl. Is your bowl just sitting in the hole or have you secured it?

Great Project!

p.s. How do you like the cast iron grate? Worth the $?
Thanks for all the comments.
The kettle is not anchored. It just sits in the hole and is very solid. I can pull out the kettle anytime I want.
I cut up pieces of the cement board and nailed them to the 2x4 framing which are now covered by the tin sheeting surrounding the kettle.

I'm still working on the shelving above the tabletop and the lid holder. When complete, I will post photos of the completed table.

George L
I scrapped the shelving idea for now and instead stacked bricks for the time being.
The table is pretty much complete except for the lid holder. But for now, I can easily place the lid on top of the grill next to it.


Does your lid have the same tab that my OTS has that allows you to just hang the lid on the rim of the kettle? If so, you could just put a bracket of some sort on the side of your table to hang the lid off of.
Originally posted by Shawn Dillon:
Does your lid have the same tab that my OTS has that allows you to just hang the lid on the rim of the kettle? If so, you could just put a bracket of some sort on the side of your table to hang the lid off of.

Thank you, yes it does, and I've looked at that possibility as well.
Mamma Mia! That's a beautiful piece of work! You must be very proud. You should be. I'm envious.

Only one problem. You live in Shaky Town. That lonely, little brick at the top could fall down and hit that nice, shinny lid and put a ding in the finish. Then, it would bounce off and possibly crack the marvelous tile work you did.
seeing that brick behind the kettle reminds me of a brick bbq pit my grand parents had, very nice job indeed
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