Probe temp and network connectivity issues



New member
Went to use my HM 4.3 the other day and noticed the ambient temp was way off. It was reading 400F outside of the pit. I bought a couple new probes and the issue persist. I also noticed that the IP address the HM shows on start up is no longer pulling up anything on my browser. Any ideas what could be wrong and how to solve it? Went to the website today and saw the store was closing and everything is sold out. I hope it's not a hardware issue and I'm SOL, as I really love this device.
I have not, no. I'm going to look into reinstalling the software onto the raspberry, but haven't gotten around to it.
So I finally got around to flashing a new img onto the SD card. I have now regained access to the webapp, but my probe is still showing over 400F in room temperature settings. Not sure what to do at this point and I'm starting to get sad that my HM isn't repairable.|

If it's helpful to anyone, my probe diagnostics screen is reading:

P0 ADC00528 00Nz
Thermis 437.52 F
Are you probes set correctly on UI? If they are, if you want, as I have helped a lot of others you can send me your HM and I will get it working for you and send it back. All I ask for in return is the shipping cost and if it needs any of the significant components. Resistors, caps ect.... no cost. Give me a PM
Are you probes set correctly on UI? If they are, if you want, as I have helped a lot of others you can send me your HM and I will get it working for you and send it back. All I ask for in return is the shipping cost and if it needs any of the significant components. Resistors, caps ect.... no cost. Give me a PM
Thanks for the offer John and sorry for not getting back sooner. Somehow my Probe 0 got reset to thermistor. Changing it back to Thermocouple has resolved my issue.

