Prime Grade Tri-Tip


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
While picking up a few groceries today I spotted some vac-pac tri tips for $6.99/lb..
Then I saw the word Prime on the package, so I grabbed one
The butcher said they had ordered Choice, but got Prime instead and were only charging Choice prices.

Has anyone grilled a Prime before?
Seems like I can recall a member making one.

Wondered if there is that much of a difference.
Well, Bob, It's only a piece of meat! But with your vast experience, I thought you'd be giving the clinic. :) What ever it takes to keep from drying it out, right? I dried out the last tri-tip I did, but it was on sale and now I undersatnd why! Maybe wearing some of those Weber NASCAR pants would help.
A meat market by my house sells prime and choice tri tips. I tried the prime once and cooked it the same way I always cook a tri tip on the Weber. I tasted good but it was really rich in flavor. To be honest I like the Choice and Select cuts better but glad I did try a prime cut.
Prime tri tips are really good. Moist, juicy, and it's not like they have THAT much fat, it's still a pretty lean cut, so no danger of overdoing it. My Costco has them sometimes and I always pick up a couple.
Have done multiple USDA Prime and Domestic Wagyu Tri-Tips. Biggest thing that I have found is that the Wagyu will cook much faster than either USDA Prime or Choice, and can turn into shoe leather very quickly if one goes past medium-rare. I have not seen any real difference in Prime vs. Choice in either cooking speed or measurable outcome in regard to taste. Of course, YMMV.

