Prime Brisket

Dustin smokin with Oak is sometimes the problem. It doesn't burn as hot as mesquite. Aaron is in Plfluger so oak is abundant there, it may not translate well in such a small smoker.

Try it again without the Prime, because that too contributes to dryness. Clip that fat cap you left on it, trim it way down and try it on your offset with a few bundles of mesquite for 12-15 hrs and you will skate circles around Aaron's BBQ. His BBQ isn't that great anyway, you can do a 100 times better.

Sometimes I've let my slab cool down with the same dwindled fire or when I pull it, I just leave it wrapped in butcher on my counter 45 min and then uncovered another hr. I'm not sure what the vented is that everyone is talking about or where they're talking about taking temps but let ur probes sit this one out next time and try your offset. You're already there!!
I'm slowly coming around to the idea that all dry briskets are under and not overcooked. It really can take a ton of abuse before drying out from overcooking.

Falling apart on the edges is one thing. But unless the center slices are falling apart too (they're not in the photos above) my guess is under. Check out the flat grain in your first sliced photo they're not pulling apart at all. Anyway just something to chew on.
I'm slowly coming around to the idea that all dry briskets are under and not overcooked. It really can take a ton of abuse before drying out from overcooking.

Falling apart on the edges is one thing. But unless the center slices are falling apart too (they're not in the photos above) my guess is under. Check out the flat grain in your first sliced photo they're not pulling apart at all. Anyway just something to chew on.

Yeah. I did a brisket where it was shredding when I tried to slice it. It still tasted pretty good, but it was definitely over cooked.

